Category Archives: Metaphor

The great default word for businesses trying to describe their ‘what’ is…solutions. You see it everywhere, far too often. The trouble is, we all provide a solution of some kind. And by using the term, you then immediately have to explain what your particular solution is. So why not use the wonderful extent of english … Continue reading ‘Solutions’, a sign of desperation or lack of imagination

The world and its climate is going to hell in a handbasket. Yep…I get and accept the science…and that we’d better not mess around too much in slashing our carbon emissions (and also stop plundering the rest of our planet’s resources). However there is a vital missing message around the “I’m telling you something and … Continue reading The vital missing message from climate change action

A good business story allows the viewer or reader to imagine themselves as part of the action. A great business story enables that person to be the hero(ine) in that story. Which means a Wellington bus-shelter billboard for Auckland University elevates itself into the realm of great. Make your future self proud Five simple words … Continue reading Wish I’d thought of it

The backbone of any business, and its story, is its metaphor. It’s the picturable image, the mindful impression of your what and why. Subway espouses fresh when it comes to fast foods. Wellington used to promote positive. Coke’s bought its way to the idea of opening happiness. You ‘see’ something when you hear their (very … Continue reading Why business survival depends on your Gateway Metaphor

“You’ve got to tell a story” is heard so often it’s almost a cliche. Such an exhortation is more often than not heavily directed at science and science policy storytelling. But no one ever tells you how. Well, here’s a (summarised) how – based on a ‘science of stories’ – written by Michael D Jones … Continue reading How to write a scientific narrative

Whether you find Donald Trump appealing or appalling, there’s no way you can sit on the fence in your opinion of the world’s greatest liar. (Check out The Washington Post science article about ‘Why liars lie’). One aspect of language the Twitterer in Chief has mastered though – surely as a byproduct of his low-level … Continue reading From a metaphor POV at least, here is someone to (partly) emulate

Imagine a world without metaphors. In fact don’t even try…because it is impossible. We simply cannot function in a world without the power of description and understanding provided by metaphors. To remind us, a metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to describe something else to emphasise their similar qualities. A metaphor is … Continue reading A metaphor is a knot that ties a word to an image

Naturally we’d like everyone to read all of our stories all the way through. But what encourages readers to keep on engaging, hang in there until the end? A fascinating study by Jonah Berger, Wendy Mae and David Schweider has unearthed that not all emotion is created equal when it comes to encouraging extended online … Continue reading How to get longer reads of your online content

Fiction is wonderful. Not only does it allow us to imagine we’re in a different world, era and situation, it enables us to safely become aware of different ways of thinking. When we’re reading or watching fiction, we know it is a made up story – even if it might be based on something real … Continue reading Why the most powerful element in storytelling is the truth

We’re a self-interested species, and we’re driven by story. As much as we might care about others, it’s our own now and future which more concerns us. The lens with which we view any advertisement or offer is naturally biased towards what we see is in it for us. What might be non-interest today could … Continue reading Why you should make your story appealing, succinct and problem-solving