We are all self-interested at heart.
Our own fulfillment, in a myriad of ways, is what we seek. From chocolates to tyres, consultants to travel, we desire the best we can get at a price we can afford.
‘You’ and its travelling companion, ‘your’ are among our favourite words. We can’t help it.
You and your’s presence immediately makes us look to see what’s in it for us.
So, if apt, use either you, or your (and sometimes both) as part of your most important first story.
GreenHAUS Architects (a Punchline client), are a eco practice which take their inspiration from nature. Their value proposition is “what we shape, shapes you”. It directly appeals to an emotion.
So, the take home.
Talk directly to us, we who are looking to obtain value for our money, by talking straight to our self-interest.