The infographic, also known as data visualisation, is one of those a picture is worth a thousand words examples, literally. Their ability to convey information, and ideally knowledge, of the sort that allows you to go “ah ha” that’s interesting, is increasingly important. That’s because images themselves have much more ability to be viral – … Continue reading Why you’re mad not to use infographics…when they fit
Category Archives: Marketing
A recent Quartz article compares The Economist magazine’s style book for writing to Bloomberg’s. Across a lot of differences – including one major one on how much you should ‘interfere’ (my term) with or edit a writer’s words – the style books both agree on one thing. That is, that George Orwell’s six timeless rules … Continue reading Orwell’s right…but persuasive messages take more than just good writing →
Look at the following picture outside Trade Aid’s central Wellington shop. Then check its tagline (which indeed is the first thing you see) Hand made change Three words that combine to make a distinctive, different and desirable message. Not only does it reflect the change that Trade Aid is helping to bring to under-developed economies, … Continue reading A tagline…nailed →
This is a blog, business and belief in better messaging. It is predicated on one main premise – we’re all selling something. Therefore, the messages, the stories, we tell about our products and services, matter. Why? In today’s instant and digital world, we have limited time to capture and hold people’s’ attention. We move on, … Continue reading Why your messages that matter, matter →