Tag Archives: soul

A value proposition can be enhanced through the use of a metaphor. Use them wisely, be on target
A metaphor as part of your value proposition can help clarify exactly what you do.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Your first story after the business name, a value proposition, has to do a lot of heavy lifting.

And there may be a temptation, driven out of desperation, to merely state what you do.

But a business (or an individual for that matter) should always try to move beyond such a ‘what’ statement.

Potential customers want at reason to engage with you beyond the rational.

We need to be moved, to feel a visceral connection beyond your product or service.

One of the best ways to trigger an almost instinctive reaction is to include a metaphor in your value proposition.

A metaphor is a word or phrase applied to an action or object to which it is not literally applicable.

Put another way, a metaphor creates a picturable image around an abstract idea.

If we say something hits the target from say a product design point of view, we also see in our mind’s eye an arrow, bullet or dart centering on a bullseye.

There’s a mental synergy, a story enhancement, over and above the words themselves that multiplies the value of metaphors.

An insurance broker may not literally ‘help you sleep better at night’, but it’s a heck of a powerful emotive message to reinforce the protection gained from paying premiums.

So, if you can, get heart and soul words into your first story.

Emotion sells.

value proposition
You only get one chance to tell a story that is your own

Ever been at a function, say a BBQ, and asked someone what they do…their story business-wise?

Some people come back with, “well, we do lots of things.”

Immediately you begin to switch off.

That person has irretrievably lost their best chance to pique your interest. They’ve frittered their golden opportunity for you to ask “tell me more.”

It’s the same if you click onto someone’s website and you can’t instantly tell what they do, and more importantly, why you should give a rat’s arse.

Unless you’re some kind of digital depths train spotter you’ll click away to another site – and the products or service actually available on that website will never have the good fortune to receive your custom.

Your first story is vitally important

Which is why your first story, your initial message, is so vitally important.

It is why it is crucial to nail an expression that conveys your business “what and why”.

It is why you need to unearth a heart and soul and value proposition.

Because this Million Dollar Message is your encapsulated story, it can’t be, in fact it is impossible to be, created by brainstorming. It means it is a waste of time asking an advertising agency to come up with this statement.

Brainstorming won’t reveal the one central truth of what your story must convey.

Brainstorming can only convey a fictional account of your story – when in fact it must be memorable, poetic, enticing and above all true.

Only question-storming can both reveal and distill the essence of your story. Only question-storming can narrow down to the 2 -10 novel yet familiar words which enables a viewer or listener to literally or figuratively say “tell me more.”

Ten thousand words is easy. Ten words is extremely hard.

But those are your most important words – words that can make or break your business.

If you can’t figure them out yourself (and it is very difficult for us to see the wood from the trees), make sure you get someone who can help bring your most meaningful message to light.