Your value proposition only needs two things

Your message needs to be both distinctive and desirable Photo by Marc Sendra martorell on Unsplash

What makes a slogan, tagline or value proposition valuable?

Simple…it only requires two components.

Those two are – what makes you distinctive and what makes you desirable?

It needs to be as succinct and poetic as possible, expressing why you’re just that little bit special, in words which are novel yet familiar. And if you are able to incorporate a metaphor, as it can shoulder a lot of heavy-lifting, so much the better.

Of course, unearthing such a term is the real trick.

There’s precious few words with which to impart an account of yourself, to make a suggestion to a potential customer on why they should pause.

The best way to approach the refinement of your first message is to remember it is your authentic story.

And, at the heart of your business there is One Central Truth of who you are. It is the key idea behind what your message has to be.

You can make them bland and forgettable, or distinctive and desirable…and risk having someone say “tell me more.”

Your call.

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