Tag Archives: change

Your first story needs to change if what you sell has changed
You may not need a fountain pen to change your business’s first story, but if your product or service is now different, you should modify it

If the world stayed the same, and what you sold in your particular niche didn’t vary, you’d keep hold of a good value proposition.

But the world, customers, expectations change; and so inevitably must the products and services a business sells.

What was the right story for yesterday’s environment no longer dovetails with today’s requirements.

It means the what and the why of your offer has to be refreshed, remoulded, or even scrapped completely.

But, just as re-examining the products and services which will provide value for today’s customers is an essential business component, so it is essential to critically question the story around them.

For, it is our story which is front-of-house when someone visits our website.

It is story which intrigues and invites “tell me more”, to the BBQ question, “what do you do?”

It is story, and more importantly our first story, which provides the framework for the the messaging, including video, we use to sell.

Keeping this story fresh for today, rather than stale for yesterday, means fishing with the right lure, confident your potential customer knows exactly why they should be talking to you and not a competitor.