Tag Archives: fit for purpose

The first words on your website are like a headline, and have to shoulder a lot of heavy lifting. Make them fit for purpose Photo by GMB Monkey on Unsplash

The start of your website story is directly equivalent to a headline.

And while the first words a stranger reads may not be news as such, this is how we should treat them for a visitor.

It is the statement that encourages them (or not) to find out more.

It is the encapsulating summary of the webcopy, videos, blogs, white papers and all other communications collateral on your site.

It is the one thing, above all others, you want someone to remember…and ideally even repeat to others.

Your business headline must, if nothing else, immediately inform me of your purpose as well as the reason I should remain interested in what you’re selling.

This first, most important story, isn’t a place for puns, is not a time to assemble generic words which provide no meaning.

Your first words, like a headline, need consideration, reflection, correction and refinement.

In fact, because your business headline isn’t trying to convey news, the way you describe yourself has a power that echoes inside and outside your company.

Your headline has to shoulder lots of heavy lifting – make sure it is fit for purpose.