Tag Archives: Gateway Metaphor

Climate change action is missing a message which says 'we can do this'
Climate change action is missing a message which says ‘we can do this. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The world and its climate is going to hell in a handbasket.

Yep…I get and accept the science…and that we’d better not mess around too much in slashing our carbon emissions (and also stop plundering the rest of our planet’s resources).

However there is a vital missing message around the “I’m telling you something and you’re not listening” narrative which predominates at the moment.

That missing message must incorporate:

  1. We can do this
  2. We can do this together
  3. We should be optimistic

Because a particular danger with the current climate change story is an impression that it’s all too late.

And if that’s the perception, could you blame anyone for an alternate course of action to fiddle (or party) while Rome burns?

Climate change action can continue to shout we need to do something.

But climate change action desperately needs a gateway metaphor – a term that encapsulates life-affirming responses PLUS hope.

Otherwise we risk not getting everyone, or anyone, onto the same boat – a boat taking us all in a different, doable direction.

So, as a plea (and something I’m more than happy to help unearth)…give me a climate change action story I can believe in and be a part of.

Give me a message of optimism – and I’m in boots and all.

Like an open invitation a Gateway Metaphor lets us in to a bigger picture
Like an open invitation a Gateway Metaphor lets us in to a bigger picture.
Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

The backbone of any business, and its story, is its metaphor.

It’s the picturable image, the mindful impression of your what and why.

Subway espouses fresh when it comes to fast foods.

Wellington used to promote positive.

Coke’s bought its way to the idea of opening happiness.

You ‘see’ something when you hear their (very short) story.

Harry Mills of Aha Advantage has coined the term Gateway Metaphor to describe the effect you want your picturable image in such stories to have.

For example in the term Gateway Metaphor (itself a metaphor) – as well as having an abstract meaning, you can’t help but imagine some kind of gate, opened.

The abstract term understanding and ‘seeing’ happen in different parts of your brain simultaneously. Two ‘lightbulbs’ synergistically flash in your mind and we understand more deeply.

However, unearthing your own Gateway Metaphor is no walk in the park, (though doing so could help in discovering it).

Because you can’t brainstorm your way to a Gateway Metaphor.

You can’t make up your One Central Truth (OCT), the core of your Gateway Metaphor.

Your OCT is what you’re about, your raison d’etre, your purpose.

Understand this and you’re then able to tell your authentic story

This story discovery means converting your OCT into a ‘what and why message’.

It’s a heart and soul statement that’s required, rather than simply giving a passive description.

It is why a Million Dollar Message must be meaningful.That’s because your first, most important story has to do a lot of heavy lifting for your business:

  • It’s your North Star for all your storytelling – website, blog, social media, speeches
  • It provides an internal rallying call for your own people
  • It is the answer at a BBQ to “what do you do?”, and more.

The unearthing and polishing of such a Million Dollar Message takes consideration.

It more likely than not requires a Gateway Metaphor, the vroom vroom term to weaponise your words.

This is why unearthing the right metaphor is key to not just to survival, but also believability.

By stating your story, as poetically as possible, you offer a promise – one that you know you’re capable of keeping.