Tag Archives: logic

Make me feel something in your first story, and you're much better off. Then you connect with someone's emotions
Make me feel something in your first, most important story, and you’re much better off Then you connect with someone’s emotions.
Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

As much as we like to think we’re rational, coolly evaluative creatures, at our heart, we’re ruled by our heart. It is what we feel that counts.

Sure, we’ll justify decisions we make, pointing out why something’s features and benefits are useful to us.

But that’s after the intuitive gut-response. This comes first.

This heart…felt, reaction is an aspect to include in all storytelling if possible.

If we can include it in our first, most important story – perhaps as a metaphor – so much the better.

Because we’re not automatoms, operating on logic.

We’re human beings, often within a business environment, looking for products and services which make our lives easier, better, more rich, more fulfilling. Again, it is what we feel that counts.

We’re emotional creatures – so don’t be afraid to appeal to that ‘feeling’ part of our psyche.