Tag Archives: measure twice

Measure twice cut once allows carpenters to save themselves a lot of grief
Just as carpenters save themselves much grief by measuring twice and cutting once, businesses can do the same by reviewing, and again reviewing the words which make up their Million Dollar Message .
Photo by cetteup on Unsplash

The carpenter’s dictum of “measure twice, cut once” is both a time and resource saver.

It’s very difficult to add to a length of cut-too-short timber.

The same ‘consideration’ aspect applies to nailing your first most important story.

It’s all too easy to rush, and accept the first (what initially may seem like good) words that come into being.

Run your mental tape measure over the statement again though.

And again – preferably with some time between appraisals.

Have you described your what and your why?

Have you articulated your value proposition in 2-10 words?

Do those words have a degree of poetry about them; have you been able to include a metaphor?

Measure twice (or indeed 10 times), cut once – at least for the version the public sees.