Tag Archives: self belief

Self belief by the NZ tech sector is helping grow it rapidly. It also needs to start telling its stories better

Just look what a growing sense of tech self belief is achieving…the 14th TIN report has just been released – and what wonderful reading it is for New Zealand.

Here are the combined ICT, High tech manufacturing and biotech industries cracking over $11 billion dollars in revenue, growing at more than 11% over last year, adding 4.7% employees to over 47,000 – in short, rip snorting ahead to be the third most valuable contributor to the NZ economy.

Dairy and tourism in front are in front of tech…but they have nothing like the scalability of these smarter sectors which have the potential to overtake these ‘olde worlde’ industries in the not too distant future.

Just as importantly, these tech roles are high paying jobs, screaming for talented people.

As TIN founder and managing director Greg Shanahan said at the Wellington launch, there’s many companies (not just a few standouts like Datacom and Xero) contributing to the sector’s growth, and everyone is reinforcing everyone else’s success.

Quoting the late Sir Paul Callaghan, “imagine what will happen when New Zealand understands this is something we’re really good at,” he says.

To that end, Shanahan conjectured that our tech industry must become more passionate about its storytelling.

Part of this is about selling a future which can’t be guaranteed, selling confidence, persuading investment backers that tech businesses are going to make growth and potential happen.

New Zealand’s in a Goldilocks zone Shanahan says. “Our businesses still talk to each other, and we have access to global markets.”

We just have to add storytelling!