Tag Archives: sell is your story

When we tell a great story, we increase the chances we'll see. Make your story a what and why
When we tell a great story, we greatly increase the chance that we’l l sell. Make your story memorable.
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

When someone asks “what do you do?”, they’re (mostly) not simply asking for a job description.

We want to know if your ‘what’ has a direct relevance to me when expressed as a why – and whether it is pertinent to myself or others I might know.

It may not be that you want their product or service.

But, if you’ve told your story, especially your first few words, well enough, we’ll remember you.

We’ll remember you because the story resonated, and was stored away for future reference.

We’ll remember enough, and we’ll retain a feeling of how I felt on hearing or reading your story – and enough of a feeling to look you up at the right time.

Now, it is unlikely that someone will buy immediately based on a great line. However, if those 2-10 words are backed up by evidence, come the buying time, you will be sought out.

Your story is your sell and your sell is your story…so make it absolutely clear why someone should care about what it is you’re pitching.