Tag Archives: writer

A designer is the perfect person for a look and feel of a website. A writer is best to uncover a business what and why
A designer is the perfect person for a look and feel of a website. A writer is best to uncover a business what and why. Photo by Halacious on Unsplash

…like requesting a picture framer to paint your portrait?

There’s a reason we contract specialists to carry out specific jobs.

We know they know their stuff. 

We back their expertise within their domain of knowledge. 

We’re confident their proficiency will deliver the best result the quickest.

For example a General Practitioner doctor can help correct an ingrown toenail, but you’d probably prefer a podiatrist to carry out such a minor operation.

Alternatively, an electrician can install lights, but if you want to optimise your illumination, you’d employ a lighting designer.

So, are digital designers – experts at shapes and colour and user experience the best people to get to the heart of a business what and why?

Can the look and feel of a website be its story?

At the risk of offending the design industry…unlikely.

Another way to look at this is to consider the following.

You can create a website design (it’s look and feel) after you know its story.

It’s impossible the other way round.

So, get your story under control first – and arguably separately – and then go get your design.

(But perhaps I’m wrong. What do you think?)