Photo by Tim Huyghe on Unsplash
A problem shared is a problem halved as they say; even more so for our story telling.
This can be the situation if you’re trying to name something – a report, a caption, a value proposition.
But the trouble with attempting to uncover such names by yourself is…yourself.
It is near impossible to be dispassionate about you own idea, your own story.
“Of course it’s good,” you tell yourself, deciding far too early, without critically evaluating whether it is crap, or not.
Having somebody else to bounce an idea around with helps remove the “I thought of it” bias we’re all prone to.
It helps if the somebody is a bit removed from your business; even better if they’re also a different character to you. Someone else helps apply the Occam’s Razor principle.
At the same time another person, or persons, will have different angles and insights that may be a gem.
So, get someone else on your naming team, and ask them to be kindly critical of your shared ideas.
(And if you don’t have someone to help you see the wood for the trees and provide you with storytelling simplicity – give Punchline a call. Story clarity is what we bring to the table).