Category Archives: Metaphor

The new, improved (irony intended) Metlink bus service relaunched in Wellington in early July. With it they gave us a new slogan come value proposition. “On our way”. At first blush it is OK. But, if it is their customers, including me quite often, who are the important people – the addition of one simple … Continue reading One letter change’s Metlink’s value proposition

The start of your website story is directly equivalent to a headline. And while the first words a stranger reads may not be news as such, this is how we should treat them for a visitor. It is the statement that encourages them (or not) to find out more. It is the encapsulating summary of … Continue reading It’s a headline…shouldering lots of heavy lifting

Imagine you read, “XYZ company, delivering creative solutions collaboratively, while empowering intelligent customer synergies”. Do you have a clue what they do? Have any of the words they’ve used to describe themselves provided points of difference compared to competitors? Would this first statement encourage further exploration of a website? The answer is unlikely – unless … Continue reading Why generic words are meaningless

So, if you’re looking to create your first, most important story, how do you go about it? Or, you’re looking for the name of a project or report, what process should you use? Alternatively, you’re wanting to give yourself a dynamic campaign title, and need a way to nail the caption. Many people adopt a … Continue reading Brainstorming is the wrong answer to the right question

What makes a slogan, tagline or value proposition valuable? Simple…it only requires two components. Those two are – what makes you distinctive and what makes you desirable? It needs to be as succinct and poetic as possible, expressing why you’re just that little bit special, in words which are novel yet familiar. And if you … Continue reading Your value proposition only needs two things

What makes a slogan, tagline or value proposition valuable? Simple…it only requires two components. Those two are – what makes you distinctive and what makes you desirable? It needs to be as succinct and poetic as possible, expressing why you’re just that little bit special, in words which are novel yet familiar. And if you … Continue reading Your value proposition only needs two things

Google’s pretty useful. It is difficult to imagine the internet without its all-pervasive presence. But trying to overly appeal to its search algorithm is an ugly way to craft your first story. Indeed, if one of the ultimate truth tests of your primary message is to respond to “what do you do?”, then attempting to … Continue reading Keywords according to Google do not a story make

Hairdressers seem particularly prone to them – “Hair today, gone tomorrow”, “Hair apparent”. Garden landscapers are often close behind – “I dig gardening”, “Gardeners know all the dirt”. We’re talking puns, word play which hopefully raises a smile (as an aside, the language knowledge needed to understand a pun is very sophisticated. This is because … Continue reading Put a pun in your first message at your own peril

In an age where the world’s awash with content of multiple kinds, what’s the use of blogging? An obvious-ish answer is because Google doesn’t like seeing static websites. From that point of view, regularly updated material in the form of a blog creates change, reminds the internet’s largest search engine that you’re still alive and … Continue reading Why bother blogging?